We started our new unit in Reel2Real Kidz. Our lessons this quarter are about the Jesus: The Early Years.
We started this last Sunday with the story of Zacharias "Zack" and how when the angel Gabriel "Gabe" gave him word about the soon arrival of his new baby, Zack doubted Gabe because he and his wife Elizabeth were really old. Zack lost his voice and couldn't talk . There's more to the story - you should have been there to hear it.
The t-shirt shuffle has now been replaced with a new game for our "Stick To The Script" memory verse. We now have what we call Verse Reverse. What till you see it. The gasps on Sunday were worth all the work of carrying in that big - Oops! don't want to spoil the surprise by telling you here.
We were so excited to have the Bailey kids back. We've missed them so much since they moved to Ohio. They were in town for the Sunday evening service where we had our presentation of "Lessons From The Scriptures" from our Clowns for Christ troop. There were also two visitors on Sunday: Courtney and Gavin. Welcome and hugs to them.
I need to close for now. We're working on this Sunday's lesson: The Surprise Visit - Gabe Brings The Big News. I wonder what that's all about. Hmmmmm.
Reel2Real Kidz is a ministry of:
Ypsilanti Assembly of God
701 Holmes Road
Ypsilanti, MI 48198