Friday, February 18, 2011

Something To Consider

I was just cleaning out my saved email file to just clean up old information and organize everything. Organization is something that I am continually compelled to do. While doing so I came across something my husband forwarded to me a word from the Lord that was sent to him over a year and a half ago.

“I'm not sure how to say this but I will try to remember what God told me. The time is now, I wondered why I shared that with you, I usually am not that talkative. Well, last night God said it was for you and I was the vessel. Then He gave me a lot of stuff about fishing- I'm not a fisherman, so I will try. Now is the time to "Cast" your vision for your church. Before you go fishing you must be prepared, right clothes, sinkers, bobbers, correct line weight, hooks and the right bait. What does it mean to cast? even if you have everything perfect you may not catch something - or it may not be what you cast for, But YOU need to be prepared to do the casting and fishing and find those who will, help clean, scale, fry, and freeze the fish. Even if we don't hook up I felt God is about to enlarge your catch - maybe not the people you want but the people He wants. Take your time and enjoy the"Fishing". Have a great day, I can not wait to hear about the fish fry”

It  blew me away that even then God was putting all the pieces in place for this endeavor that we are beginning. Not only is that word relevant for our church, but when developing the "Reel2Reel Kidz" concept, we have always kept in mind the double meaning in the name because we are all called to be fishers of men. So - some of our planned events is keeping that double meaning in mind with catch and release parties, casting competitions, casting calls, cast wraps, etc.

What else made this so cool is that the person who gave this to my husband was not even a member of our church at the time. Now he is my assistant, Tim, who is a major part of "Reel 2Real Kidz". In fact, it couldn't be done without him.

There isn't a moment that God's signature isn't all over everything we are doing, saying or feeling in regards to "Reel2Real Kidz". It gives me the greatest sense of expectancy for the days ahead. These are the last days! We need to do all we can to cast the line and reel them in.

Miss Bonnie

Reel2Real Kidz is a ministry of: 
Ypsilanti Assembly of God 
701 Holmes Road 
Ypsilanti, MI 48198 

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