Friday, February 25, 2011

We Serve An Awesome God

I am still tingling and crying all at the same time. There is a curriculum called "Big City Studios" that we have wanted so badly but the price made it impossible for us to purchase. We committed it in prayer to God's hands and left it there. Meanwhile we've been busy at work in preparation for our Reel2Real Kidz launch.

Minutes ago I received an email from the author of that curriculum saying, "lots of churches need a big, substantial break on curriculum during this recession" so they are offering their curriculum at 50% off. God is so good. We've already ordered it and it's on it's way.

Since posting earlier, I have received more pictures from Tim on today's progress - snow and all.

Cutting in - in the Green Room.
First coat.

Second coat.
It's starting to look like a Green Room.

Next week it's all about painting. Each of the classroom doors will receive a different primary color. The bathrooms will start getting a face lift. So if you're in the area and you like to paint . . . We also ordered our business cards today. Also received a huge discount. In the future, this place will have t-shirts, ball caps, key chains, etc. with our Logo and information on it. We're on our way!

Reel2Real Kidz is a ministry of:
Ypsilanti Assembly of God
701 Holmes Road
Ypsilanti, MI  48198

Photo Update #6 - Coming Together

We've accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. That's probably why we're so excited to begin in essence. We are meeting with our regular kids but we are waiting for our curriculum to arrive from Hillsong to really begin promoting the ministry. Of course, with our excitement we have been casting the vision to church members and people we come in contact with in the community. It's just like witnessing - when God does something awesome in your life, you can't help but share it.

We were able to have the room set up and ready for Wednesday nights and our Kids In Motion program.

Screen now suspended center stage.
The light and projector rack is now set

The weather has not been very friendly to us. Even today we're not able to get out and work on the projects we wanted to accomplish for today. It did make me sit down and spend time at the computer writing Sunday's sermon. All we're letting you know about it is that it is the 2nd chapter of the Mary saga. What will happen in her life next? Come Sunday to find out.

Being housebound also allows me to update you on all the work that has been happening in spite of inclement weather. Just look at some picture highlights.

Remnants of the ugly cabinet.
Materials for the coming week.

Starting on second mural.
We got a little accomplished.
Even these doors are primed & ready.

Cabinets primed in "Green Room".

The donations we have received have been such a blessing. All this work has been made possible because you have caught the vision and have listened to the Lord's voice to contribute. Not only with money but  by coming and working or by giving things on our needs list. Wednesday night we received a couch and love seat from the youth group they were no longer using. They even brought it down to our green room. We're not picky. If it's on the list and it's in good condition, we'll accept it.

Remember - Jesus calls us all to be fishers of men (or women). Let's not get so lost in the day to day of life that we lose sight of that. Ooops! I gave away a hint of Sunday's message.

Reel2Real Kidz is a ministry of:
Ypsilanti Assembly of God
701 Holmes Road
Ypsilanti, MI  48197

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Photo Update #5 - Light/Projector Beam

It's Saturday - but Sunday is coming and quickly. We are feverishly putting the last touches together so that we can clean up and be ready for tomorrow. Here's today's progress thus far.

Reel2Real Kidz is a ministry of:
Ypsilanti Assembly of God
701 Holmes Road
Ypsilanti, MI  48198

Photo Update #4

From the smell of popcorn - now to the smell of glue, paint and sawdust fills the air. Ahhh the scent of progress. Isn't it a wonderful thing?

As we continue, I beg for your prayers. I so want to be ever led of the Lord in every step that we take. Now that we have funds to begin with - Lord what are the purchases that fall in your priorities? If we act too frugal and not spend it, will Your supply end? Lord, help us to know where to begin reaching this community's children that so need you.

My dad has always had a motto that he has carried throughout his life and ministry. I find that I have adopted it as my own: "Do your best, God will do the rest".

And now the photos.

Glue waiting for tile.
The tile is on the stage.

Other side of the room.
Support stanchion framing mural.

Chains in place it's going going . . .
. . . gone!

Safe, secure, ready to cut up.
All that's all that's left behind.


Hopefully, you are enjoying these updates as much as we enjoy bringing them to you. We would love to hear your comments. Just click the red ink saying comment below this post.

Reel2Real Kidz is a ministry of:
Ypsilanti Assembly of God
701 Holmes Road
Ypsilanti, MI 48198

Friday, February 18, 2011

Our First Sunday

The smell of popcorn filled the air even though it was from the microwave. The stand to hold the popcorn maker hasn't been built yet. We were able to rummage in the costume closet, giggling at the different possibilities we found there. Putting wigs and helmets on Mr. Tim to only find out his head is too big.

Oh no, there was no baby Jesus in with the props. What ever will we do! Let's improvise - that's what acting is all about. So we find a stuffed crown (sometimes used for wise men) then we put a white wig inside and wrap swaddling clothes around it. Instant pretend Baby Jesus.

"I didn't know that babies had that much hair" was the comment made by all.

Our numbers were small, but we were able to use our new stage (thank you Mr. Tim). But the most important thing is we had fun and learned in the process. Here's a few shots from the morning.



Before the fun began this morning, we did have a roller coaster ride to deal with before service. During Sunday School I was handed a letter stating that using the name we originally started with was a trademark infringement on a company out west. We had no idea that the name was being used by anyone else - but we knew that we had to make a change which we thought was going to be difficult because so much of our vision was tied into the name.

I was still reeling from that when Mr. Tim said that we were going to receive a large donation this week but I needed to be sitting down before he would reveal the amount. Needing something to stop the flow of tears soon in the offing, I sat down. $1,400! Fourteen Hundred Dollars! Our curriculum, the DVD player we need . . . all the things the enemy would say is impossible for us to have were now possible.

Here I had little doubts trying to creep in and when I tried to tell Tim about our other situation, he reminded me that this vision is from God and though the enemy is going to throw obstacles in our way, we are going to make it. The obstacles are just a reminder that we are doing something big for the cause of Christ.

Something told me to call Pastor Stan Randall, one of our former children's minister, he was always brilliant when it comes to names and new ideas. I found him in Oklahoma. By the time we got off the phone he came up with a perfect name.

So, we are now called Reel2Real Kidz which really ties into our vision in a much clearer way. Kids learning through fun interaction with the Bible then reaching other kids and helping them become a part of the family of God. Kinda neat how God works it all out. What we think is a bad thing can turn around and work together for good. Hmmm - I think I've heard that somewhere.

One more thing, I was reading another blog post that really ministered to me so I'll share the link with you: Be blessed today and thank you for sharing in our journey.

Reel2Real Kidz is a ministry of: 
Ypsilanti Assembly of God 
701 Holmes Road 
Ypsilanti, MI 48198 

Photo Update #3 - A Busy Day

Rather than a description of all we got accomplished last night and today, I'll just let the pictures tell the story since I still need to get ready for church tomorrow.

Bryant, our volunteer electrician.
Bryant and Tim having a "manly" discussion.


Reel2Real Kidz is a ministry of: 
Ypsilanti Assembly of God 
701 Holmes Road 
Ypsilanti, MI 48198 

You May Have Noticed

Never did I expect to do this but you may have noticed a donate button to the right of this post. I had seen this on other blogs but I did not anticipate using one here. But believe it or not, we have had people from different parts of the country already asking us how they can be a part of this new ministry.

At first our answer was to keep us in prayer because we can use all the prayer we can get. Then they would call back and say that they felt that God was telling them to get involved in a more tangible way. So after some internet research our donate button was added.

So if God is speaking to you in a similar way and you would like to contribute feel free to click the button. No specific is amount is expected. All we ask is that you listen to God's voice and proceed how He directs.


Bonnie & Tim (our own tool man)

Reel2Real Kidz is a ministry of: 
Ypsilanti Assembly of God 
701 Holmes Road 
Ypsilanti, MI 48198 

And The Lumber Arrives . . .


  . . . and it was delivered. You can't beat that! We had other options (like a company in Indiana willing to donate the lumber if we were able to come and get it) but Iverson's Lumber Company gave us a good discount and they delivered the lumber right to the room in which it was needed. They were so great to deal with as well.

Reel2Real Kidz is a ministry of: 
Ypsilanti Assembly of God 
701 Holmes Road 
Ypsilanti, MI 48198 

Photo Update #2

Painted both sides of beam.
Added finishing piece on bottom.

We could not make it without all of the work and ideas of Tim Roeske. He's been at the church almost every day on some project. He's currently working on the large beam in front of the stage area. This is where we will be hanging the spot lights, digital projector and speakers.

Between pastor's devotional group, giving piano lessons, running to the UofM property disposition center, Sometimers Meeting - I started cleaning out one of the storage closets so I can consolidate the old Missionettes office with the Kids In Motion office and children's church office.

We were also able to procure a couch and love seat to use in our green room (once we decide where to put it). We've also received some great help with our electrical needs. When scoping out our space, I realized that we only had one outlet for the whole area. That will just not do for what we have in mind. I forgot how other leaders had been running extension cords from the Sunday School rooms to get their electricity. Not a great combination with kids involved.

While at Sometimers, I was able to show Tim our theater style popcorn machine. We will be setting up a little concession stand so when kids arrive to "Reel2Real Kidz", they will each get a small bag of popcorn. We even have a little glass display case and all.

The lumber will be arriving on Thursday which will work out because we'll be hosting a sectional fellowship meeting so we'll be there when it arrives. My head is swimming.

Well I better close for now. I'll keep you posted.

Reel2Real Kidz is a ministry of: 
Ypsilanti Assembly of God 
701 Holmes Road 
Ypsilanti, MI 48198 

Photo Update - BEFORE

Reel2Real Kidz Studio - from front
Reel2Real Kidz Studio - from back

Back Lot Entrance - stairs
Back Lot Entrance - hallway

Wardrobe/Dressing Room - entrance

Wardrobe/Dressing Room

Studio Floor Entrance
Studio Main Entrance Stairs

You can't start the telling of any story unless you lay the foundation and begin from there. So telling the story of "Reel2Reel Kidz" you have to show the room before we start to turn it into a "reel" live working studio.  Right now it's just a large, very white room. The only color is that which you find on our gorgeous orange chairs and our mauve doors. I call it our empty palette that God is ready to paint upon.

So please keep checking back to watch the progress as our cast of interesting characters begin to emerge and our floor crew prepare the space. 

Reel2Real Kidz is a ministry of: 
Ypsilanti Assembly of God 
701 Holmes Road 
Ypsilanti, MI 48198 

I'm Just Sayin'

Okay - I've already posted once today but there are some things you just can't keep quiet about. While on Facebook last night I spent some time in the group page for my youth group from First Assembly of God, Warren, OH, I saw the picture of a friend of mine who owns a theater here in Michigan. Hmmmmm. He would be a great resource person for "Reel2Real Kidz". So I sent him a little message to enlist his help with the project.

When I got up this morning I checked my Facebook even before I had my coffee to see if he had responded. Not only did he respond, he told me that he would be in my area on Monday and would love to look at the space and give his opinion . . . Of course Tim's first response was that we now know why we had the delay in building our stage and addition to our concession stand. We'll have Len's suggestions even before we get started.

Not to mention that someone on our team has been on the phone talking to his connections with builders, electricians, techies, movie directors, reporters, photographers, heavy lifters, etc. My head is spinning because they are willing to be involved.

I'm just sayin'.

Reel2Real Kidz is a ministry of: 
Ypsilanti Assembly of God 
701 Holmes Road 
Ypsilanti, MI 48198 

Something To Consider

I was just cleaning out my saved email file to just clean up old information and organize everything. Organization is something that I am continually compelled to do. While doing so I came across something my husband forwarded to me a word from the Lord that was sent to him over a year and a half ago.

“I'm not sure how to say this but I will try to remember what God told me. The time is now, I wondered why I shared that with you, I usually am not that talkative. Well, last night God said it was for you and I was the vessel. Then He gave me a lot of stuff about fishing- I'm not a fisherman, so I will try. Now is the time to "Cast" your vision for your church. Before you go fishing you must be prepared, right clothes, sinkers, bobbers, correct line weight, hooks and the right bait. What does it mean to cast? even if you have everything perfect you may not catch something - or it may not be what you cast for, But YOU need to be prepared to do the casting and fishing and find those who will, help clean, scale, fry, and freeze the fish. Even if we don't hook up I felt God is about to enlarge your catch - maybe not the people you want but the people He wants. Take your time and enjoy the"Fishing". Have a great day, I can not wait to hear about the fish fry”

It  blew me away that even then God was putting all the pieces in place for this endeavor that we are beginning. Not only is that word relevant for our church, but when developing the "Reel2Reel Kidz" concept, we have always kept in mind the double meaning in the name because we are all called to be fishers of men. So - some of our planned events is keeping that double meaning in mind with catch and release parties, casting competitions, casting calls, cast wraps, etc.

What else made this so cool is that the person who gave this to my husband was not even a member of our church at the time. Now he is my assistant, Tim, who is a major part of "Reel 2Real Kidz". In fact, it couldn't be done without him.

There isn't a moment that God's signature isn't all over everything we are doing, saying or feeling in regards to "Reel2Real Kidz". It gives me the greatest sense of expectancy for the days ahead. These are the last days! We need to do all we can to cast the line and reel them in.

Miss Bonnie

Reel2Real Kidz is a ministry of: 
Ypsilanti Assembly of God 
701 Holmes Road 
Ypsilanti, MI 48198 